Meeting Notes

This is a set of notes captures by Dave.Sri. Submit a pull request to update/correct/add information!



  1. Val & Renee - Astralore Games is working on an updated, and is going to do a writing pass as a delayed Nanowrimo for next year!
  2. Sam - Working on top-down twin stick shooter based on Godot game engine. AI behaviors, sprites. Also working on an input event system for VR. Plans on doing the Global Game Jam in January.
  3. Dennis - Working on an app.. See Flipside Toy on Github. Mentioned that BCD Rack is a cool multiplatform synth engine
  4. Trevor - High school student working on 2D platform RPG story, nearing the end of the first chapter with a team. He’s doing design. Unreal Engine.
  5. Dave/Sri - (they/them) Working on new Learning Sciences project about “embodied computation models”, building on old Javascript code from 2014. Looking forward to sharing.
  6. Matt - (they/them) Working in unity on a 2D platformer, but enjoys making tools more than making the game. Looking for stuff that makes money. Looked into GameBoy assembly language programming (z-80?)
  7. Eric - Web Develoepr by day (not super into it), works at games at night. Is UNITY CERTIFIED. Loves game jams. Demoed his 4-player co-op Breakout-style game.
  8. Alex - Working on his VR Psychological Game in UNity, but instead of vanilla-boxing gameplay spent a lot of time getting the radio to sound right when switching stations (sounded great!) Is planning on vanilla boxing 4-button inputs on a regular controlled to debug stuff outside of the VR gear.
  9. McMorgan - Unity game developer, runs a game server hosting company. Working on Pkemon-style adventure in bits and pieces, interested in writing modular game systems (e.g. inventory systems) that can be used across multiple games.
  10. Christie - Learning about game development from McMorgan, wanted to check out the group.
  11. Dan - Working on an RPG (for long time) with Chris, a point-and-click side project as well as a HORROR FAMING SIMULATION in progress!
  12. Chris - Working with Dan doing art for the HORROR FAMING SIM
  13. Dave - Making an game engine from scratch in C++. Shader programmer!

Games Demoed

Eric’s 4-player coop breakout “prototype of the prototype” was shown, and a good time was had by all! He got a lot of good feedback and learned a lot by observing how people played.


TALK POSSIBILITIES (carrying from last meeting)